The Spirit of Assisi vision challenges us to express our care for one another beyond the usual structures and boundaries of ministries. These individual ministries, groups and organizations help make St. Bonaventure a place of welcome, healing and service to the community.
Spiritual & Pastoral Care is available to all who would like to speak with a friar about their life and spiritual journey. This can be a one-time visit to speak about a specific issue or it may involve a few visits for insight and support through one of life’s more challenging moments.
The Prayer Network welcomes requests for those who need prayer. Coordinator: Julie Flood
Private Prayer is available to those who would like to meet one-to-one with a friar for prayer.
Christian Meditation Group follows the tradition of Dom John Main and the Benedictines of the Montréal Priory and meets every Saturday morning.
Sunday Coffee Teams help make the connection between what we celebrate in the Eucharist and our daily lives. They provide coffee after the 10:00 a.m. Sunday Mass where parishioners can talk, get to know one another and build the relationships which make us a community in Christ.
Coordinator: Madeleine Della Rocca
St. Bonaventure Hockey League provides an opportunity for young people to play this sport in a wholesome environment. Coordinator: Paul Desjardins
St. Bonaventure Baseball League provides young people with an opportunity to learn T-ball and softball on our beautiful parish grounds. The baseball season runs from mid April to the end of June.
Tobias House is a Franciscan sponsored ministry which provides housing and support services to people with physical disabilities. Members of our parish act as directors on two separate boards, one for housing and the other, Tobias House Attendant Care, for support services.
The Catholic Women's League is a parish group which contributes to the life and vitality of the church, family and community. They promote Catholic women’s issues and support the Church in Canada.
Contact: Waveney Duarte
The Knights of Columbus belong to the local St. Francis Council and support the mission of the area parishes. They also raise funds for worthy community groups. Contact: Kingsley Leon
St. Clare Inn is a transitional home in East York for women who are homeless and have mental health issues. Volunteers assist in the day-to-day operation of the Inn and engage in fundraising activities. The Inn is a project of The Friends of St. Francis, an organization of parishioners and friars who seek to make a difference in the lives of the homeless. The St. Clare Inn Office is located in the old friary next to the church, 1320 Leslie Street, Suite 200, Toronto ON M3C 2K9, 416.690.0330 Contact: Friar Tom Purcell
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. St. Bonaventure is proud to have hosted AA for many years. Meetings are held in the Francis Room of the Parish Centre on Wednesday at 8:00 pm. Contact: