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Pastoral Planning & Administration
Social Ministry
Adult Faith Formation
Youth Faith Formation

Catholics are called to make Christ present to the world around us. The service we give to the community to assist in its worship or the outreach to our sisters and brothers in community is called ministry. Ministries at St. Bonaventure Church focus on five key areas. Each key area of ministry has a leader and each individual ministry has a coordinator. We encourage you to participate and share your gifts with the parish. If you cannot connect with one of the coordinators contact the Ministry Centre by phone.


A vibrant and effective community requires vision and planning. Several of our ministries help the friars and parish staff to set the course for the parish and ensure good stewardship of our resources.

Pastoral Council
The council’s provides advice to the pastor on the direction, mission and pastoral priorities of the parish.

Finance Council
The council advises the pastor on financial management issues - annual budget, major capital repairs and expenditures - and employment matters.  Leader: John Nelligan

Volunteer Screening & Management
This ministry ensures that all persons participating in ministry at St. Bonaventure Church are identified and appropriately screened. They also make recommendations to the pastor concerning parishioners who volunteer for particular ministries. Contact: 416 447 5571 ext 227

Sunday Collection Counters
Teams of four people count and prepare the Sunday offertory collection for bank deposit.

Leader: Connie Durante

The Environment & Art Ministry creates and maintains the environment of the church - its furnishings and the supplies needed to enhance our liturgy. Ministers arrange flowers, maintain candles care for church linens, prepare seasonal decorations and act as sacristans. Leader: Anna Marziliano

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion assist with the distribution of Communion on Sundays. This is a vital ministry. If you would like more information, contact 416-447-5571.


Ministers of Communion to the Homebound bring Communion to members of our community who are homebound or in institutions.

Coordinator: Fr. Thomas Reist

Lectors proclaim the Scriptures during the Sunday liturgies.

Ministers of Hospitality greet people, help them find seats, take up the offertory collection, distribute bulletins and ensure that services run smoothly. Leader: Geraldine Daly

The Family Choir leads the assembly in music at the 10 am Sunday liturgy. This ministry includes people of all ages. all are welcome!

Music Director: Richard Foty

Youth Altar Servers from grade 4 and up serve at Sunday masses.

Weekday Liturgical Ministers include lectors, extraordinary ministers of communion and altar servers who assist in the celebration of the 9:00 am weekday liturgies. Leader: Judy Cole

Children's Liturgy of the Word Catechists
proclaim the Sunday Scripture readings at a level appropriate to children during the 10:00 am Sunday mass.



These ministries reach out to parishioners and members of the community who need physical, emotional and spiritual support: the homeless, families in crisis, the sick, grieving, lonely and the unemployed, youth, the elderly, the struggling and the alienated.

Visitation Caregivers make social visits to the homebound and those in hospitals and nursing homes.

The Canadian Food for Children ministry support the registered charity of the same name. Members collect donations each month which are taken to a warehouse in Toronto for shipment to hungry children around the world.

Casserole Makers
prepare casseroles each month for the hungry at the Good Shepherd Centre. A recipe and pan is provided. For more information, contact: 416-447-5571, ext. 580.

The Don Mills Community Food Bank
is an outreach of the Christian churches of Don Mills, who operate a food bank at the local Anglican Church. The food bank is open on Tuesday and Saturday mornings. Volunteers are always welcome.

North York General Hospital Chaplaincy
is supported by the friars at St. Bonaventure and the clergy of the other local Catholic parishes by being on-call for sacramental emergencies. In addition these parishes fund the employment of a Roman Catholic lay chaplain to meet the needs of our parishioners while in hospital. 

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a lay Catholic organization whose mission is to live the Gospel message by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice and joy. Vincentians are called to see Christ in anyone who suffers; come together as a family; have personal contact with the poor; help in all possible ways. Leader: Jack Cole. Contact: 416-447-5571, ext. 270.



Faith needs to be nurtured. These ministries provide an opportunity for parishioners to learn more about their faith, how it connects to daily life and how they are called to grow as individuals.

Marriage Preparation:
If you're planning to get married in the Catholic Church and you live in the Archdiocese of Toronto, you are required to complete a marriage preparation program. Catholic Family Services, offers these programs throughout the Archdiocese.

The Inquiry Team consists of friars and parishioners, who meet, support and accompany those who are questioning whether they are called to become Catholics.

The Catechumenate Team consists of friars and parishioners, who help form, educate and accompany those who have decided to become Catholics and are preparing for baptism.



This area of ministry focuses on the needs of our young parishioners and their continued initiation into the faith through the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation and Reconciliation. Our ministries also assist young people to be active members of the parish. Contact: Greg Beath

Sacramental Preparation is composed of a team of parishioners who prepare our youth for the completion of the Sacraments of Initiation (First Communion, Confirmation and First Reconciliation).

The Family Choir
is part youth ministry, part liturgical ministry, the Youth Choir serves primarily at the 10 am Sunday liturgy and includes people of all ages. However our youth play a central role. The music is contemporary and original. Music Director: Richard Foty

