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Our Vision: The Spirit of Assisi                                                                                      
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Parish Registration
Enquiring about the Catholic Church
Volunteer Screening
The Franciscans
St. Bonaventure Friary
Our History
St. Bonaventure
Parish Financial Support - 'Pay it Forward'

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Callander Bay Church Bulletin - Sunday, February 19, 2023 - CALLANDER BAY  CHURCH      

           Volunteer Sign-Up             

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Daily Masses: Monday to Friday at 9:00 AM

Saturday: 5:00 PM

Sunday: 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM and 12:00 Noon


Saturday 9:00 AM to 10 AM

or by appointment

St. Bonaventure Parish, the Franciscan Friars and Secular Franciscans working together to respond to the spiritual hungers of the community by becoming as oasis of peace, prayer and service; a little bit of Assisi in Toronto.

We are a community of believing people, who have chosen St. Bonaventure as our spiritual home within the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto. Together, inspired by the Franciscan Spirit, we seek to live and proclaim the Gospel of Christ in our daily lives by becoming a holy people and serving our sisters and brothers for the Glory of God.

It is important to register as part of our parish community.

  • Registration certifies you as a member of our parish.
  • It is a great way for you to begin to learn about our parish community and support the many parish ministries.
  • Only registered parish members can celebrate the sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, Confirmation and Marriage at St. Bonaventure

We prefer that young adults register individually, even if they are still living with their families.

You can complete this form at home. Return the form by mail or by placing it in the offertory collection basket when Masses resume.


Join our Inquiry Program to learn more about Christian life as a Roman Catholic. In addition, to weekly enquiry meetings, we invite you to participate in the life of our community and worship with us on Sundays. We ask that only Catholics share in Communion. If you decide to be baptised and become a member of the Catholic Church you will participate in a formative and education process; the Catechumenate. Christians of other denominations who are baptised and would like to become Catholic are not re-baptized but make a Profession of Faith after suitable preparation.


St. Bonaventure participates in the Volunteer Screening Program of the Archdiocese of Toronto. Screening helps maintain a safe environment for those who are active in our ministries and those to who rely on our ministries, especially the young and vulnerable.


Franciscans are inspired by, and follow the example of St. Francis of Assisi . Born in 1182, St. Francis was noted for his desire to imitate Chris t and to live the Gospel with passion. Francis founded a community of men called the First Order (Friars) in 1209. He assisted his good friend, St. Clare of Assisi in founding The Second Order; a women’s community known as the The Poor Clares. Francis was concerned that all Catholic men and women, married and single, be able to live the Gospel more earnestly and he started a Third Order which is a community known today as the Secular Franciscans. Our Secular Franciscan fraternity meets at 7:30 p.m. on the third Monday of each month in the Parish Centre for spiritual nourishment and support through prayer, ongoing formation in Franciscan spirituality, discussion and fellowship. Visitors are always welcome. The Franciscan spirit sets the tone vision, ministry and spirituality for the broader community at St. Bonaventure in Don Mills.

The friars at St. Bonaventure Friary belong to the Order of Friars Minor Conventual. They are part of a regional group of friars known as the Province of the Immaculate Conception. The principle purpose of the friars is to witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ by their lives in community. The life of the friars includes praying together daily in the morning and in the evening. They share a common dinner, time in recreation and the day-to-day of life, very much like a family. The friars are engaged in a variety of ministries including parish ministry, working with homeless women, education, canonical consultation, pastoral counselling, spiritual direction, prayer ministry and publishing. Find out more about life as a friar or our spirituality by visiting


Breaking Ground Ceremony Photo

Building the Church Photo Photo of the Crucifix in Church


An important development during this time was the establishment of Don Mills’s own Community Food Bank supported by the local churches. This was in addition to the wonderful work already being done to provide food to the Good Shepherd Centre and our monthly collection for Dr. Simone. Another project brought to life at St. Bonaventure was that of the Friends of St. Francis. This group of parishioners has sought to respond to the issue of homelessness in Toronto by providing transitional housing for homeless women who also have problems with addictions or mental health issues. In June, 2006, Friar Tom Purcell was hired as the Executive Director of St. Clare Inn . This modest home is but the first step in the response to St. Francis’s challenge: “Preach the Gospel always; if necessary use words.” Finally, the following appeared in St. Bonaventure’s 25 th Anniversary publication, in 1981: ‘St. Bonaventure’s crosses the threshold into its second quarter-century as a mature, cosmopolitan parish − enriched by 25 years of spiritual guidance in the Franciscan tradition. When the parish celebrates its Golden Jubilee in 2006, may the Pastor and parishioners of that day say of us, their predecessors: “What they did, they did exceedingly well!”’ Without doubt we may say that they did more than exceedingly well. What they did was exceptional and serves as a fitting tribute to their selfless love of God, community, commitment, duty, compassion and social justice. We must be grateful to them for helping to launch and guide one of the most dynamic and community oriented churches of modern times. Importantly, they based their structure on the three pillars that represent the timeless values of St. Francis: spirituality, community and service. Today’s parishioners may benefit from that legacy and fulfil their own obligation to build an even stronger church for future generations of Catholics in the Franciscan tradition − a church that continues to reach out to the world with a sense of willing compassion.  



St. Bonaventure was born John di Fidensa in 1217 in the town of Bagnoreggio, about 100 km north of Rome , son of the local doctor. His parents were devout and it seems his mother had met Francis of Assisi as he went about his ministry. At the age of 11, Bonaventure became seriously ill. His mother prayed to the spirit of Francis, who had died two years earlier, to intercede with God on her son’s behalf. Later Bonaventure would write, “I was saved from the jaws of death by Francis’ intercession.” Bonaventure studied at the local Franciscan friary, moving to the University of Paris at the age of 17. There he performed brilliantly, without compromising his natural humility. He must have looked on with interest when, in 1236, the professor who held the chair in theology at the university, the Englishman Alexander of Hales, joined the Franciscans. Image of St. Bonaventure

The move gave the Order what amounted to official status yet sowed seeds of discontent among those who favoured simplicity over intellectual development. Bonaventure joined the Franciscan Order in 1243, staying on at the university as a teacher and writing several volumes of insightful theological works. His objective, analytical mind meant that he was often asked to arbitrate matters of dispute. He taught his fellow Christians that the more we enter into union with Christ, the nearer we move toward the contemplation of God. In one of his sermons he refers to Francis as “utterly Christ-like and configured to him” − the ultimate compliment from a man who believed that conformity to Christ leads to the heart of God. In 1254, Bonaventure became Master of Theology and director of the Franciscan School in Paris . Just three years later, the friars elected him Minister General of the Franciscans in the hope that he would heal the growing rift in the Order over intellectual development. By 1260 Bonaventure had written a new constitution that attempted to help the Order attain unity and earned him the unofficial title of second founder. He continued his studies and administered the Order, making regular trips to Italy to report to the Pope and perform ministry work. In 1273 Pope Gregory X appointed him a cardinal, an honour he reluctantly though obediently accepted. He died suddenly in 1274 and was canonized in 1482, his feast day being July 15. The depth and passion of St. Bonaventure’s theology follows in the tradition of St. Augustine , seeking always to increase the intensity of the spiritual life. But while Bonaventure esteemed the use of one’s intellect to reflect on the mysteries of faith, his famous work, Soul’s Journey into God, teaches that human wisdom pales in comparison to the mystical illumination which God freely offers to the faithful Christian. By allowing oneself to be illumined by rays of spiritual light, one was enabled, in his words, “to return to the Most High, and rejoice in God’s love, as revealed in Christ.” St. Bonaventure’s spiritual intensity resulted in the title ‘Seraphic Doctor’ being conferred on him by Rome . His prayer for the thanksgiving after Mass is both a gem of devotion and a triumph of poetic beauty. It begins with a direct appeal to Christ and exhorts us to do all things to the praise and glory of God’s holy name, “with humility and discretion, with love and delight, with readiness and affection, and with perseverance to the end.” More than 700 years later, those words may still serve as a source of inspirational guidance to us all. As Friar Theodore Lash, OFM Conv., Provincial Custos, expressed the sentiment in his letter of congratulations to the parish on its 25th anniversary in 1981: “May St. Bonaventure ever continue to prosper and thrive in promoting the glory of God, the sanctification of His people, and be the source and inspiration of those seeking the Lord with sincere hearts.”



The “Pay It Forward” concept was made popular by Catherine Ryan Hyde’s book and movie of the same name. The basic notion is that we should not pay “back” a favour we have received but rather pay it “forward” by doing a favour for others and that these favours will grow exponentially causing positive ripple effects in the world.

It makes sense to apply this notion of “paying it forward” to the very first One who blesses us with life and all the good things we have. From a Christian perspective “Pay it Forward” can become a way of living each day in gratitude for all the blessings that God has given to us. The Bible tells us over and over that God is the Creator and Giver of all gifts. It is our responsibility to show our gratitude to God for these gifts, by passing the blessings on to others.

What does that look like?

A Christian who “pays it forward”:

  • Receives God’s gifts gratefully
  • Cherishes and tends them responsibly
  • Shares them in justice and love
  • Gives generously

Sharing our gifts and paying them forward means giving generously of our time, talent and treasure. We give to God by sharing with our Church and with those in need. Time and talent can be shared by becoming involved in parish life, volunteering and offering a helping hand. Treasure can be shared by making a conscious effort to make a financial gift to God first, before we buy the things we want.

We are so blessed!

A real sense of gratitude challenges us to pay it forward in gratitude to the One who has blessed us. When we give to others in thanks to God, only after all of our personal spending, we end up throwing Him the loose change or having nothing left at all to give. When we pay it forward, first, we are making a gift of faith, trusting that God will provide for our needs. We are truly putting ourselves in God’s hands.

1. Pay It Forward Sunday after Sunday

We are blessed with a parish, a church and a property that has been built up and nurtured by friars and parishioners before us. Many of them worked long and hard and sacrificed to pass on to us what we have today as a Christian community. We have a beautiful place to pray, praise God and celebrate the important moments of our lives such as baptisms, communions, confirmations, weddings and sadly funerals. We have a community which assists us through these moments, that cares for our children and attends to our sick. Our parish church feeds our souls with nourishment that keeps us going through the ups and downs of life. We are the heirs of all these blessings.

All we do as a parish is paid for by parishioners. We do not receive any money from the Archdiocese of Toronto. In fact, like all parishes, we pay 15% tax on all our Sunday offerings to support poor parishes and the services of the Archdiocese.

There are three ways you can continue to share our blessings with others.

  • Automatic Debit : you can arrange for a debit to be made to your account once a month to support the parish. The advantage of this is that you don’t have to look for envelopes or manage cheques. The parish also benefits because it receives a regular flow of donations to support its ministries throughout the year. Download our enrolment form for more information.
  • Sunday Offering Envelopes : the parish will provide you with envelopes in which you can make your offering (cash/cheque) for every Sunday of the year and for special collections. and place it in the collection basket at mass.
  • The United Way : The Archdiocese created ShareLife, an organization which better reflects our Catholic values and raises funds for many of the charities in Toronto. St. Bonaventure wholeheartedly supports ShareLife, however some employers provide donation matching programs solely through the United Way . United Way donors can direct donations to any registered charity in Canada . If you support the United Way , consider directing your contribution to St. Bonaventure Church, Charitable Registration number 10791 0259 RR0036.

2. Memorial Opportunities

There are special moments in life when we want to express particular gratitude to God. When someone passes away and we want to remember the blessing they were to us, it is customary to make an offering of something special for the church. This is true of times of great joy as well such as the birth of a child or a promotion at work. Consider a memorial gift of sacred church furnishings that the parish needs to celebrate such special moments. Contact the Ministry centre at 416-447-5571 if you would like to offer a sacred objects to our parish church.

3. Legacy

A very effective way to both thank God for the blessing you have received and to pay it forward is to remember your parish in your Last Will & Testament. You can designate the parish as a beneficiary of a specific sum or a portion of your estate. You can even bequeath securities and investments. These may be left to the parish as a general gift or for a specific purpose such as the Maintenance Fund. We would be happy to assist you with this. The legal name of the parish is: St. Bonaventure Church, Charitable Registration number 10791 0259 RR0036.

4. Maintenance Fund

The parish has a special “Maintenance Fund” in place to help us pay for extraordinary capital expenses such as a new roof and boiler or other necessary repairs. A maintenance collection is taken up once a year but some parishioners contribute to this fund more frequently. Contributions made to “St. Bonaventure Church – Maintenance Fund” are not taxed by the Archdiocese. All contributions are eligible for an income tax receipt.
